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Western Land Services Holiday Fundraisers

Every year around the holidays, Western Land Services (WLS) employees work together with local organizations that provide valuable services to the less fortunate in our communities.

As the Christmas and New Year holidays came to a close, we wanted to take a moment to spotlight a couple of our recent fundraising efforts. Like past years, our employees participated in the annual Toys for Tots programs throughout our nationwide offices ( In the photo collage to the left, and pictured on the far right, are Sebastian Alvarado and Ryan Benson preparing to take toys to the donation center in Oklahoma City.

Our Ludington team also raised nearly $2,000 in gifts and monetary donations for Staircase Youth Services, a Western Michigan organization that provides a variety of services for teens and young adults (aged 12-21) whom are at-risk or in crisis. Services include Outreach and Transition to Adulthood (TAP/TLP) Programs.  They also specialize in assisting homeless teens who need a place to turn or other resources.  Their current coverage area includes six counties in the state of Michigan.  To learn more about Staircase Youth Services, visit them at In the photo collage, the two photos on the left reflect our efforts! Pictured from left to right are; Leann Frattini, Kerry Terryn, and Cynthia Arneson of Staircase Youth, and Melissa Sanders, Jenny Young, and Sharon Clark of Western Land Services.

A huge thank you to all of our staff members whom participated in these fundraisers!


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