M&A / Due Diligence


Understanding and mitigating risks is vital when acquiring or deciding whether to bid on renewable energy projects. With a full-service team dedicated to advising and assisting in the development of these projects, Western Land has the well-rounded expertise to deliver efficient and cost effective insight into the risks and benefits associated with renewable transactions. With experts in development consulting, GIS, title, and curative, the Western Land team is positioned to provide the flexibility to address just a couple of urgent needs or tackle all aspects of land review for a transaction. Below are the core services Western Land offers for due diligence review, but keep in mind we can always tailor our scope to your needs.

  • GIS services to provide a visual summary of the project and relevant infrastructure:
    • Land use and constraint maps.
    • Gentie route plotting, along with alternative routes, showing number of parcels crossed.
    • Visualization of high-risk parcels, potential crossing agreements, and site control.
  • Lease and Option review to track key contract terms and confirm site control:
    • Ensure leases and options are still valid and cover the subject lands.
    • Review and track key contract terms, including length of agreement, payment milestones, and access.
    • Confirm agreements are properly executed by all parties and recorded.
  • Title Commitment and ALTA Survey review to assess title risks:
    • Tiered risk assessment to evaluate level of risk related to each exception on a title commitment.
    • Review exception against ALTA survey to confirm exception's impact to the subject lands.
    • Identification of potential curative action needed to mitigate risk.
  • Curative Analysis and Summary packet to detail the curative outlook for the project going forward:
    • Memorandum explaining curative needs and plan of action to mitigate risks, including mineral issues.
    • Maps showing parcels with curative needs and mineral severances that could require surface waivers.
    • General estimate for curative work required and the cost to perform the work.

At Western Land, we lean on our subject matter experts to deliver superior results in renewable project development, making us the ideal partner to help assess whether the same care went into your prospective project.


Our Due Diligence team is staffed with seasoned examiners cross-trained in lease, title, and production review. Our experience and versatility allow us to tackle projects of all spcopes and sizes with efficiency. Acquiring leasehold assets from another operator? Perfoming an internal audit? Buying or selling midstream assets? WlS has done it all. Supporting mergers, acquisitions, farm-out agreements, joint operating agreements, and more, our Due Diligence team prides itself on inclusive results and quick turnaround. Services at a glance:

  • Confirmation that all payments (bonus, rentals, royalties, and shut-ins) have been accurately tendered
  • Mineral and leasehold validation
  • Tax, lien, judgement and encumbrance checks
  • Review of WI, NRI, ORRI and assignments
  • Identification of any and all defects associated with the lease and title
  • Curative requirement identification and fulfillment
  • Reviewing DTO/DOTOs to ensure all requirements have been satisfied
  • Well and production research
  • Reviewing HBP status and confirming continuous production or shut-in payments
  • Lease provision summarization and obligation review
  • Preparation of exhibits for closing documents.